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November 15, 2019

These resources are now available through the ATA library.

The ATA library has great resources for teachers in print and online. Library staff are happy to mail out whatever you need to wherever you are, and we prepay the return postage for you. Drop us a line at and let us know how we can help you with your teaching this year.

1. We Make It Better: The LGBTQ Community and Their Positive Contributions to Society

Despite being discriminated against, criminalized and treated as inferior in Western culture, members of the LGBTQ community have contributed to society in valuable ways through their work and talents. This tome provides readers with a good entry into understanding that valuable contributions can be made from those on the margins of society.

2. Vaincre les difficultés scolaires

Basé sur le concept des intelligences multiples, cet ouvrage veut donner à l’enseignant, au parent, au coach, des outils et des méthodes de travail pour aider le jeune à vaincre ses difficultés scolaires. En déterminant les intelligences dominantes de l’élève, on met en évidence ses atouts et ses faiblesses afin de répondre au mieux à ses besoins.

3. Teaching Design: A Guide to Curriculum and Pedagogy for College Design Faculty and Teachers Who Use Design in Their Classrooms

Written by a designer who is also a teacher, this book offers a practical perspective for teachers who teach design in Career and Technology Studies. She shares ideas about how teachers can create objectives and learning outcomes for their courses as well as strategies for teaching creativity and collaboration skills in K–12 classrooms.

4. The New Teacher Book: Finding Purpose, Balance, and Hope during Your First Years in the Classroom

Teaching is rewarding work, but the early years of a teaching career are the hardest. Essays in this book offer new teachers practical advice from experienced teachers about how to connect with students of all backgrounds and thrive in your new career.

5. Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness across the Disciplines

When society began confronting racism, one of the most popular defenses against calls for race sensitivity was to profess colourblindness when perceiving skin colour. This book challenges academics and students to see race and to challenge settler world views.

6. What If Everything You Knew About Education was Wrong?

Almost every reader is sure to find something in this book that will make them uncomfortable or want to argue back. This book challenges biases and unquestioned beliefs, and urges teachers to actively rethink what, why and how they teach in the classroom.

7. L’innovation pédagogique

N’en déplaise aux nostalgiques d’une école passéiste et fantasmée, l’innovation est nécessaire en pédagogie. Dans cet ouvrage, André Tricot passe au crible neuf mythes ou réalités pédagogiques contemporaines.

8. Cleverlands: The Secrets behind the Success of the World's Education Superpowers

Frustrated by constantly changing government policy in education, author Lucy Crehan travelled abroad to teach in the countries that regularly top the PISA rankings to discover how different approaches in education work and what actually makes students more successful.

Information provided by ATA librarian Sandra Anderson.

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